Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Emily!

Dear Emily,

I wanted to write you a note you can read once you're a little older, and give you something you can keep after I'm gone. If I've learned anything this year its this, life is short. You can't take it with you when you go. And the only thing that counts is how you treat others. I want you to know that I try to make sure everything I do for you is done with love. (Of course sometimes I fail. I am not perfect).

You have grown so much, not only in the past three years, but in the last six months. Your personality is really starting to shine through, and its wonderful to share a home and a life with someone who is filled with so much joy, curiosity, and mischief!!! I love to watch you experiment with water toys in the backyard. Its fun to see you play with all of your animal toys, making the noises for the animals as they talk to each other. The trouble you cause also keeps all members of the household on their toes. Just this morning, there were cashews and Triscuits on the floor. First breakfast perhaps?

Your language is really emerging, with words for the things you love at the top of the list. Six short months ago you couldn't say ice-cream cone, animal cracker, root beer, juice, apple sauce, or shortcake (strawberry in Emily speak). Your absolute love of all things music is something that makes your father beam with pride. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I hide around the corner and watch you sing and dance when you think you're all alone. Being your mom is nothing short of a miracle and a joy. I hope, as you grown, that you can continue to find happiness through music and art and dance.

Emily I love you so much! Really, the amount of love I feel for you seems to be much larger than my body, I can feel it beaming out of my heart like light beaming from the sun. You and Nora and your father mean the world to me. I can give you root beer for breakfast because its your birthday, but you've given me so much in return. You bring out the best in me (and the worst too...but how can I be a better person if I didn't have someone testing me??) I couldn't ask for more. Happy third birthday sweetie belle! I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you.

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